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RSF reacts to Pink's 'documentary' over 'plot against Vučić'
 13 Jan 2022
The International Organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF), which advocates for the freedom of expression and a better position for journalists, has reacted to the broadcasting of a certain film called Meta Porodica, which targets the journalists Stevan Dojčinović, Branko Čečen, Slobodan Georgiev among others.

'The film Targeted Family broadcast on TV Pink and quoted in the tabloids accuses specific investigative journalists of working to kill Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić,' as tweeted by the organization.

RSF has condemned this 'dangerous attempt to stifle free journalism in the public interest' and demands from the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media to hold TV Pink accountable for that.

Earlier, on Tuesday, the Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) called on the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) to urgently impose sanctions on TV Pink for 'jeopardizing the safety of journalists', Cenzolovka informs.

On Sunday evening, the channel broadcast the documentary Meta Porodica as part of the central newscast National Dnevnik, in which many public figures (independent journalists included) were accused of plotting the assassination of Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić in cooperation with criminals and foreign intelligence services. The Association also warned that broadcasting the controversial film on national television on two occasions 'has most directly affected the safety of journalists and the media presented by the author as foreign mercenaries and associates of local and foreign intelligence services and criminal gangs'.

'We believe the broadcast content cannot be categorized in any other genre than as 'naked propaganda'. The labeling of journalists and the media as 'enemies of the state' just because they have demonstrated a critical attitude towards the government in their reporting, is a dangerous precedent with potentially unpredictable consequences for their safety', said the UNS.

They also assessed that REM had 'enough grounds' to initiate urgent proceedings to ban the broadcasting of the film Meta Family and then to launch the relevant proceedings against TV Pink as a broadcaster in order to determine its liability. 'In such circumstances, the Association is seriously considering the purpose of participating in the government's working group for the safety of journalists, in which government officials have basically shown with their silence that they are committed to the safety of journalists but only on paper,' the statement said.

The Association called on all broadcasters with national frequency to bring their editorial policy in compliance with the professional standards and regulations, based on which, as it was stated, they had been entitled the right to use that public good.


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