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Romania restarts its cash rebate program
 01 Apr 2024
Romania’s cash rebate program is going to be restarted this week with the first call for projects to be published in early April; the program was suspended in 2021.
The Romanian government approved amendments to the previous cash rebate program. It is now being extended until 2026.

By Government Decision no. 421/2018 for the establishment of a state aid scheme for supporting the production of audiovisual works on the territory of Romania, the normative framework was created for attracting investments in the production of audiovisual works on the territory of Romania, consisting of both Romanian productions and international co-productions, through reimbursement a percentage of the eligible expenses incurred for the production of the audiovisual work on the territory of Romania.

The state aid granted under the State Aid Scheme consists of:

a) non-refundable financial allocations in the amount of 35% of the total eligible expenses for the purchase, rental, manufacture of goods and/or services occasioned by the film production, as well as the fees , salaries and other payments to natural persons, related to the implementation of the project in Romania;

b) non-refundable financial allocations in the amount of 10% over the allocation provided for in letter a), provided that the production promotes a geographical area, a city or Romania, the destinations and Romanian tourist attractions in the geographical area or the promoted city or the Romanian language, traditions and customs in an explicit visual way.

The program will have a budget of up to 55 million euros per year to support national and international productions shooting in Romania. The budget for the period 2024–2026 will be around 122 million euros.

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