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Association of Employers of Digital Publishers launched
 22 Sep 2023
On the initiative of the presidents of the WP Group, Ringier Axel Springer Polska, Agora and Interia, the Association of Employers of Digital Publishers was established. Its main task is to work together for the development of online media and represent publishers in the process of creating legal regulations. Maciej Kossowski became the president of the union, Money.pl reports.

The signatories of the Association of Employers of Digital Publishers, in addition to representatives of the WP Group, Ringier Axel Springer Polska and Agora, are representatives of the ZPR Media Group and TVN Warner Bros. Discovery. Interia plans to formally join the Association after its registration in the National Court Register. Immediately after its establishment, the Union joined the Lewiatan Confederation.

The aim of the Association is to represent the interests of its members, primarily by influencing the shape of the Polish and European legal system. The legal framework and regulations should provide national publishers with equal and fair conditions to develop and compete in the European digital market, especially in relations with global technology companies.

The Association's plans also include activities in the field of collective management of related rights. This will be possible after the adoption of the act implementing the 2019 EU directive on copyright and related rights in the digital single market and after meeting the relevant requirements provided for by the relevant regulations. The Association's supervisory board includes Jacek Świderski (Grupa WP), Aleksander Kutela (Ringier Axel Springer Polska), Bartosz Hojka (Agora), Katarzyna Białek (Grupa ZPR Media) and Dorota Żurkowska (TVN Warner Bros. Discovery).

Maciej Kossowski was appointed president of the Association. “This is a very important moment in the history of the Polish media market. There are a number of organizations that bring together media, but there has been no institution focused solely on digital publishing activities, while it is already the largest part of this market. Many important topics await us. Poland has still not implemented the Directive on copyright and related rights in the digital single market, we still have work to do on adapting to the EU DSA regulation, and regulations on artificial intelligence will be introduced in the near future. I am also convinced that the development of legal protection of user privacy and its business consequences, such as the withdrawal of 3rd party cookies, will require further regulations.The common voice of digital publishers must be clearly heard in this discussion,” said Maciej Kossowski, president of the Association of Employers of Digital Publishers.

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