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United24 media details revealed
 25 Jul 2022
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine told Detector Media that the English-language digital project United24 media is being launched on the principle of a startup, with its further development planned to create a permanent editorial office, and later - a supervisory board.

The Ministry promises that United24 "will be a modern media format centered around the development of the YouTube channel and social media platforms." The strategic partner of the project is the marketing agency Fedoriv, and the concept of the project was developed by Bono. The first editions are prepared from already existing content, for which creative and content teams are involved. Episodes on YouTube will be released once a week.

"The main task of the project is to present Ukraine to the world, telling about its culture, history, business, technologies, personalities, as well as to highlight the course of the war. The timeliness of United24 media is dictated by the great attention to Ukraine due to the war and the awareness that, apart from the course of military operations, residents of Europe and the USA know almost nothing about our country.

It is also an opportunity to spread the Ukrainian agenda in the international information space. Over time, the media has the potential to develop into a multimedia platform that will help increase Ukraine's presence in the media field. But for now, these are very distant plans," the ministry said.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation stated that a small number of participants are currently actively involved in the project.

"Volunteer creators, content teams, creative agencies and journalists are also involved in content creation. In a week, we received more than 400 proposals for cooperation - both from Ukrainian and international specialists."

Content creation is financed thanks to corporate donors, with the growth of the project, targeted corporate contributions from business, grants from international funds, crypto community are planned to be added to the financing.

When asked whether the funds collected through the United24 fundraising platform are used, the Ministry reported that the platform and media are different areas of development of the United24 global initiative, and different teams are working on them.

"Currently, the United24 fundraising platform works to collect charitable donations in three directions: "Defense and Demining"; "Aid"; "Reconstruction of Ukraine". All 100% of the collected funds are directed to NBU accounts assigned to relevant ministries (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Infrastructure). On the website u24.gov.ua you can find weekly updated reports on the use of collected funds. The auditor of the platform is Deloitte."

Content is created by several production teams, each of which is responsible for its own topic: culture, history, technology, entrepreneurship, heroes, army, etc. These teams cooperate with authors, journalists, involve Ukrainian and international experts. With the development of the project, it is planned to create a permanent editorial board, later - a supervisory board.

The key audiences of the project coincide with the list of states that provide the most support to Ukraine during the war and have a great interest in Ukraine. First of all, these are the USA, Great Britain, EU countries and Canada. The content is intended for a wide audience, which is an active user of social networks and YouTube, and is used to the interactive form of presenting the material.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation announced the launch of English-language digital media United24 on July 20. The Ministry of Digital Media announced a search for new media workers. In particular, journalists, editors, experts, designers, bloggers, etc.

The YouTube channel of the newly created media already has the first project up and running, it is called Fight for Freedom.

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