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The Hunt for Salamander wins another international prize
 19 Oct 2021
Nova TV Bulgaria’s crime series The Hunt for Salamander (Missing Persons’ Unit) was awarded as the best TV series of 2021 at the Buenos Aires International Film Festival. The prestigious award is another proof of the commitment of Nova Broadcasting Group to support and develop the film industry in Bulgaria, the broadcaster announced.

The Bulgarian series received a nomination at another prestigious forum - The New Vision International Film Festival. The project is to compete in two contested categories for "Best Series" and "Best European Actor" (Yulian Vergov). The award ceremony of the annual festival, which will be attended by part of the film production team, will take place in December in Amsterdam.

The original production The Hunt for Salamander which had its international premiere at the end of August during the "SERIES MANIA" festival in Lille (France), already has several international awards, including: Vegas Movie Awards - Award Winner / Best Web / Tv Series - Award Of Merit / Monthly Edition - October 2021; Flickfair Film Festival - Award Winner / Best TV Series In Viewers` Choice Category / Monthly Edition - September 2021; American Film Award - Award Winner / Best Episodic / 10th Online Annual Edition; New York Film Awards - Award Winner / Best Ensemble, Best Cinematography To Boris Slavkov / Monthly Edition - August 2021; Accolade Global Film Competition - Award Winner / Best Tv Series / Monthly Edition - August 2021; Film Con Awards - Award Winner / Best Picture, Best Original Story To Alexander Chobanov / Monthly Edition - September 2021; Los Angeles Film Awards (Lafa) - Award Winner / Best TV Series / Monthly Edition - August 2021; Istanbul Film Awards - Award Winner / Best Tv Series / Monthly Edition - August 2021 / Nominated For Golden Star Awards Annual Gala, May 2022, Istanbul; Rome International Movie Awards - Award Winner / Best TV Series, Best Producer To Alexander Hristiov / Best Tvfx (Visual Effects) / Monthly Edition - July 2021 and Berlin International Tv Series Festival - Finalist / Annual Edition.

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