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Call for Content Production Grants promoting media literacy and accurate information
 26 May 2020
Albany Associates and Media and Civil Society Development Foundation “Mediacentar” (Foundation Mediacentar) along with regional media development organisations, are implementing a project called “Promoting Media Information Literacy and Strengthening Independent Media in the Western Balkans”. The project’s primary goals are to build the capacity of media professionals and journalism students in verification, fact-checking, content production and other reporting competencies; and to enhance public service broadcasters' understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and to improve their ability to deliver MIL campaigns to the public. The project is being implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Under this call published by Foundation Mediacentar, only media outlets registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina are eligible to apply. A maximum of two awards will be made.

In order to support quality journalism and improve media literacy among audiences in the region, Albany Associates and Foundation Mediacentar are seeking applications for content production grants, with the following specific objectives (applicants can choose between the two, or combine them):

1. Providing audiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina access to high quality, innovative media content that will help them to better understand the role of media and the importance of professional and independent journalism.

2. Helping audiences safely and responsibly navigate information concerning the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, thus increasing critical thinking and reducing the harmful effects of mis/disinformation around the topic.

Each media outlet can only submit one application.

Co-productions are also allowed, with one applicant stated as the lead, and others as co-applicant(s). In the case of co-production, all eligibility criteria apply to both the lead applicant and co-applicant(s).

All applications will be assessed by a selection committee assembled from local and regional media development organizations based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of the proposed content against the objective of the call (maximum 20 points)
- Quality of the proposed content, approach to the proposed topic, originality of the proposal, (maximum 40 points)
- Estimated project reach, proposed content distribution and promotion plan (maximum 10 points)
- Capacity of the organization to implement the proposed project, applicant’s technical abilities and experience in content production, commitment of the applicant to professional journalism, experience of the proposed production team (maximum 20 points)
- Efficiency of proposed costs, value for money (maximum 10 points)

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